UC Merced Library Tutorials
Importing References Into RefWorks from Academic Search Complete
Use the Right Arrow at the bottom of this window to move through the tutorial.
This tutorial will show you how to import references from the Academic Search Complete database into RefWorks.
Use the active webpage on your right to complete the tutorial.
In order to access RefWorks, log in on the screen to the right.
If you have never used RefWorks before, click here to access the RefWorks 1: Creating a RefWorks Account tutorial.
Now that RefWorks is open, you will be able to import references into your account.
To access Academic Search Complete:
You may have to scroll down a little.
In the search box, type or copy and paste "undergraduate tuition".
On the resulting page, find the Tools bar on the right of the screen. (You may have to scroll to the right.)
RefWorks will open a new tab on your browser. (If this does not happen, check the original tab where you opened RefWorks earlier.)
It will look like this:
Click on the View Last Imported Folder button to see the reference you imported into RefWorks.
Congratulations! You have now imported a reference from Academic Search Complete into RefWorks.
If you experienced difficulties or have questions about this process, please contact the Library.
Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.
You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, with no spaces (for example, bobcat@email.com,bobcat2@email.com). If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also. Note: It could take up to 10 seconds to generate the certificate. Please do not click the Print/Send button more than once.