Using eHRAF World Cultures

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Using the eHRAF World Cultures Database

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This tutorial will show you how to find information about various cultures using the eHRAF World Cultures database.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • why you should use the eHRAF World Cultures database.
  • how to access eHRAF World Cultures.
  • how to search in eHRAF World Cultures.
  • how to refine your search results.
  • how to access citation information.
  • how to access full-text articles.

Use the active webpage on your right to complete the tutorial.

Why Use eHRAF World Cultures?

The eHRAF World Cultures database has detailed, indexed information about a wide variety of cultures and their various aspects. Information is organized by culture and ethnic group, and the full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level.

How to Access

To access the eHRAF World Cultures database:

  • Click on the Databases tab in the search box on the library homepage. 

Databases tab on library homepage

  • Type or copy & paste "ehraf world cultures" into the search box.
  • Click Go.
  • Scroll down, and click on the eHRAF World Cultures link.

eHRAF World Cultures link

How to Search

You can search in eHRAF World Cultures for Cultures, Subjects, or Documents.

  • Click Browse Cultures.

Browse cultures link

  • Enter the name of a culture into the Filter Index search bar. For example, you can type in Hmong.

You will see a list of cultural groups that correspond to the descriptor you entered.

Screenshot of filter index results

How to Browse Subjects

You can browse various Subjects across cultures.

  • Click on Browse Subjects at the top of the screen.

Browse subjects link

  • In the Filter Index search bar, enter a subject that interests you. For example, table manners.

Relevant search results will appear below the Filter Index.

Browse subject results screenshot

Refining Search Results

When searching under Browse Cultures:

  • Click on Culture Summary to learn more about the group.
  • Click on Collection Description to see a list of relevant holdings.
  • Click on Collection Documents to see a list of relevant articles and documents.

Browse culture links to more information

When searching under Browse Subjects:

  • Click on Subject Description for information about the subject.
  • Click on Related Documents for a list of relevant documents that cover a variety of cultures.

Browse subjects links to more information

How to Access Citation Information

To read documents related to a culture, click on Collection Documents in the culture's listing, and select from the options.

Publication information will be listed near the top of the document. You can use this to compile a citation in the appropriate format.

Screenshot of publication information

How to Access Full-Text Articles

Click on the name of an article that interests you. To the left of the publication information, click on Body underneath the Table of Contents heading to see options.

Screenshot of Body link

You can also click on the drop-down menu called Page List to the right of the publication list to select individual pages.

Screenshot of Page List


This concludes the Using eHRAF World Cultures tutorial. Now that you've finished:

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Questions? Contact the library at or 209.228.4444.


What are two ways I can search eHRAF World Cultures?

What is one unusual aspect of eHRAF World Cultures?




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